seo for manufacturers: 2024 guide to boost leads



Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential marketing tool for any business looking to increase their online visibility – and manufacturers are no exception. With over 90% of online experiences starting within a search engine like Google, it’s crucial for manufacturers to have an effective SEO strategy in place. By optimizing your website and content for search engines, you can attract more targeted traffic, generate leads, and ultimately boost sales.

In this guide, we will cover the basics of SEO and how it applies to manufacturing companies specifically. We will also provide valuable tips and strategies for improving your website’s search engine ranking and driving more qualified leads to your business. Let’s dive in:

what is manufacturing seo?

Search engine optimization for manufacturing companies refers to the process of improving visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

By focusing on specific keywords and improving your website’s overall structure and content, you can increase your chances of appearing at the top of search results for relevant searches. This not only drives more traffic to your site but also increases the likelihood of converting that traffic into leads.

For example, if your manufacturing company specializes in producing custom metal parts, you would want to rank at the top of search results when someone searches for “custom metal parts manufacturer” or related keywords. This is where SEO comes into play. By optimizing your manufacturing website and content for these keywords, you can attract potential customers who are actively searching for your products or services.

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why seo for manufacturers?

As a manufacturing company, you may be wondering why SEO is important for your business. After all, manufacturing is often seen as an industry that relies more on traditional marketing tactics like trade shows and word-of-mouth referrals.

However, the digital landscape is rapidly evolving, and more and more B2B buyers are turning to search engines to research and find suppliers. In fact, 89% of B2B researchers use the Internet during their research process. This means that if your website is not optimized for search engines, you could be missing out on a significant number of potential leads.

Additionally, SEO is a cost-effective digital marketing strategy that can have a long-lasting impact. Unlike paid advertising, which stops generating leads once the budget runs out, SEO efforts continue to drive organic traffic and generate leads over time. This makes it a valuable investment for manufacturers looking to improve their online presence and attract qualified leads.

how seo benefits industrial manufacturing companies like yours

So, how exactly can SEO benefit your manufacturing business? Here are a few key benefits to consider:

enhanced online visibility and brand awareness

enhanced online visibility and brand awareness

With the right SEO strategy, your website can rank higher in search engine results pages for relevant keywords and phrases. This means that when potential buyers search for products or services related to your business, they are more likely to come across your website. As a result, your brand becomes more visible to your target audience.

Moreover, consistently ranking higher for relevant keywords increases brand awareness among potential B2B buyers – even if they do not immediately make a purchase. This means that when it comes time for them to make a buying decision, your brand will be top of mind.

increased website traffic and lead generation

One of the most significant benefits of manufacturing SEO is its ability to drive organic traffic to your website. This is because the higher your website ranks in search results, the more likely it is that people will click through to your site.

What’s more, organic traffic tends to be highly targeted and qualified. This is because people searching for specific keywords or phrases related to your business are more likely to be interested in your products or services. As a result, SEO can generate high-quality leads for your manufacturing company.

improved search engine rankings for relevant keywords

As mentioned, SEO for manufacturers involves optimizing your website for relevant keywords and phrases related to your business. Doing so can improve your search rankings for these keywords and attract more targeted traffic to your site.

But it’s not just about ranking for any keywords. It’s important to focus on relevant keywords that potential buyers in your industry highly search. This ensures that the SEO traffic you receive is from people who are actively looking for what your manufacturing business has to offer.

establishing authority in the manufacturing niche

Another benefit of SEO for manufacturing companies is the opportunity to establish authority in their niche. By consistently producing high-quality, SEO-optimized content, you can position your company as a thought leader.

Say, for example, you are a company that specializes in designing and manufacturing sustainable packaging solutions. By creating informative and engaging content around topics your buyers care about – such as “How to Reduce Waste in the Supply Chain,” – you can establish yourself as an expert in the field and gain credibility with potential customers.

For B2B manufacturing companies, having a strong reputation and authority in your niche is a major factor in winning new clients and contracts.

cost-effective marketing strategy compared to traditional methods

While traditional marketing methods like print ads, trade shows, and cold calling can be effective, they often come with high costs and limited reach.

With SEO, you are essentially tapping into an existing pool of potential customers who are actively searching for your products or services. This means you can save money on advertising and marketing budgets while still reaching a highly targeted audience.

Moreover, manufacturing SEO has a long-term impact and can continue to drive traffic to your website even after initial efforts have been made. This makes it a more sustainable and cost-friendly option compared to traditional methods that often require ongoing investment to maintain results.

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seo strategies and tactics for manufacturers

seo strategies and tactics for manufacturers

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of SEO for manufacturing companies – let’s dive into some specific strategies you can use to improve your search engine rankings:

on-page, off-page, and technical seo

On-page SEO refers to optimizing the content and structure of your website, while off-page SEO involves external factors such as backlinks and social media presence. Technical SEO focuses on the technical aspects of your website, such as site speed and mobile-friendliness.

For manufacturing companies, it’s important to have a strong focus on all three areas for maximum impact. This means doing things such as (but not limited to):

  • Creating high-quality, informative content on your website
  • Obtaining backlinks from reputable sources
  • Ensuring that your website is optimized for both desktop and mobile users.

meta titles and descriptions

Meta titles and descriptions are key elements of on-page SEO. These are the snippets of text that appear in SERPs and give users a preview of what to expect from your webpage.

It’s crucial to optimize these by including targeted keywords and making them compelling enough to encourage users to click through to your site. After all, time is very valuable to B2B buyers, so they’re more likely to click on a result that guarantees them relevant information.

keyword research

keyword research

Keyword research is the process of identifying and analyzing keywords that are relevant to your industry, products, and services. This is a crucial step in developing an effective SEO strategy as it helps you understand what terms potential customers are using to search for businesses like yours.

For manufacturing companies, it’s best to focus on long-tail keywords (longer phrases with lower search volume but higher intent) rather than short, generic keywords. This will help you target a more specific audience and increase your chances of ranking higher in search results.

Online tools such as Ahrefs and SEMrush can be helpful in conducting keyword research. However, professional manufacturing SEO services can provide more in-depth and tailored keyword research for your specific business needs.

page load and mobile-friendliness

page load and mobile-friendliness

Have you ever clicked on a website only to be greeted by a slow-loading page? It’s frustrating, right? Well, the same goes for your potential customers. In fact, a study by Google found that 53% of mobile visitors leave a site if it takes longer than three seconds to load.

Not only does a slow-loading page result in a high bounce rate, but it also negatively affects your search engine rankings. Google’s algorithm takes into account page load speed and mobile-friendliness when determining search results, so make sure your site is optimized for both.

web design and user experience

In the manufacturing industry, website design is often overlooked in favor of other aspects, such as production and sales. However, having a well-designed website is crucial for attracting and retaining potential customers. A clean and professional design can instill trust and credibility in your brand, while a cluttered or outdated website can turn users away.

In addition, user experience (UX) plays a significant role in website design. UX refers to a user’s overall experience while navigating your site, including factors such as ease of use, intuitiveness, and visual appeal. A positive UX can lead to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

link building

link building

Another critical aspect of manufacturing SEO is link building. This refers to the process of acquiring backlinks from other websites to your own. Backlinks act as votes of confidence for your site, signaling to search engines that your content is valuable and authoritative.

There are various strategies for link building, such as:

  • Creating high-quality, shareable content that other sites naturally want to link to.
  • Guest blogging on reputable websites in your industry.
  • Collaborating with other businesses for cross-promotion opportunities.
  • Utilizing social media to share your content and reach a wider audience.


It’s important to note that quality is key when it comes to link building. Low-quality or spammy backlinks can actually harm your SEO efforts.

social media

Many manufacturing companies may overlook the importance of social media, thinking it is more relevant for consumer-facing industries. However, having a strong social media presence can greatly benefit search engine optimization.

When you share your website content on social media, it not only increases visibility and drives traffic to your site, but it also signals to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant. Additionally, having active profiles on platforms like LinkedIn can help establish your brand and credibility among your target audience.

local seo

local seo

For manufacturing businesses that have a physical location or serve a specific geographic area, local SEO is crucial. This refers to optimizing your website and online presence for local searches, such as “manufacturing companies near me” or “industrial equipment in [city].”

To improve your local SEO strategy, you can:

  • Create and optimize Google Business Profile listing with accurate information and reviews.
  • Include local keywords in your website content and meta descriptions.
  • Get listed on local directories and review sites, such as Yelp.

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content marketing for manufacturers

content marketing for manufacturers

As mentioned earlier, creating high-quality, shareable content is one of the most crucial aspects of SEO for manufacturers. But content marketing goes beyond just creating blog posts and articles.

Here are some other things that can benefit your SEO content strategy include:

1. product demonstrations and tutorials

Manufacturing businesses can benefit from showcasing their products and services through informative demos and tutorials. These types of content educate potential customers and establish your expertise in the industry. And as an added bonus, they may also attract backlinks from relevant websites.

2. case studies and testimonials

Case studies and testimonials are powerful forms of social proof that can greatly influence purchasing decisions. By showcasing successful projects/satisfied customers, you demonstrate your capabilities and build trust with potential clients. Search engines also consider these types of content as valuable and relevant, which can positively impact your manufacturing SEO strategy.

3. visual content

In the manufacturing industry, visual aids such as images, videos, and infographics effectively convey complex information to buyers. Including visual content on your website makes it more engaging and increases the chances of it being shared on social media and other platforms. This, in turn, can drive more traffic to your website and boost how search engine algorithms perceive your site.

4. ebooks and whitepapers

E-books and whitepapers are in-depth pieces of content that provide valuable information to B2B buyers. They also establish your brand as a thought leader in the industry. Including keywords and backlinks in these types of content can improve search rankings and attract high-quality leads to manufacturing websites.

should i target local or national customers?

should i target local or national customers

The answer depends on your business goals and target market.

If you have a physical location and primarily cater to customers in a specific geographic area, then targeting local customers would be the best approach. This means optimizing your website for local keywords, creating content that is relevant to your local target audience, and utilizing local SEO tactics such as creating Google My Business listings.

On the other hand, if your manufacturing business operates on a national level and offers products or services to customers across the country, then targeting a national audience would be more beneficial. This requires a broader approach to SEO, including optimizing for more general keywords and creating content that appeals to a wider audience.

In either case, it is beneficial to work with a digital marketing agency that specializes in manufacturing SEO. They can help you determine the best approach for your business and create a tailored strategy that drives results – both in the short and long term.

assessing your competitors

When it comes to digital marketing, it’s important to keep an eye on your competition. This is especially true for manufacturing businesses that operate in a highly competitive industry. Analyzing your competitors’ SEO strategies allows you to gain valuable insights and learn from their successes and failures.

Start by identifying your top competitors in the manufacturing industry. Then, analyze their web pages, content, and keywords to understand how they are ranking on search engine results pages. Take note of any successful tactics or patterns that you can incorporate into your own SEO strategy.

Additionally, pay attention to the types of content your competitors are producing and promoting. This can give you ideas for your own content marketing efforts and help you identify any gaps in their strategies that you can capitalize on.

boost your manufacturing leads with seo

measuring and tracking your seo success

As with any marketing strategy, regularly measuring and tracking your SEO success is crucial. This will allow you to see what is working and what needs improvement and make necessary adjustments to achieve better results.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that can help you track SEO and website performance. But what metrics should you be monitoring?

Here are a few key metrics to keep an eye on:

  • Organic Website Traffic: This measures the number of visitors coming to your website from organic search results. An increase in organic traffic can indicate that your SEO efforts are paying off.
  • Keyword Rankings: Keep track of how your target keywords are ranking in SERPs. Aim for higher rankings to increase visibility and attract more traffic.
  • Bounce rate: This measures the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate could indicate that your website content or user experience needs improvement.
  • Conversion rate: This measures the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action on your site, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. This can help you gauge the effectiveness of your website in converting visitors into customers.


Keep in mind that SEO is an ongoing process. Continuously monitoring these metrics will allow you to stay on top of any changes or updates needed to keep your website performing well in search results.

how we can help with your manufacturing seo

At Wildish Agency, we understand the unique challenges that come with marketing in the manufacturing industry. That’s why we offer specialized SEO services tailored to the needs of manufacturers. Our team of experts will work with you to develop a customized strategy to make the most out of your online presence.

Let us take the guesswork out of SEO so you can focus on what you do best. Contact us today to learn more!
