top seo strategies for manufacturing companies



Ever wonder why industrial giants like General Motors and Boeing almost always pop up first on searches?

It’s not magic. It’s smart search engine optimization (SEO). 

The right SEO strategy, executed correctly, can skyrocket your manufacturing company to online fame. And when that happens, you’re more likely to become a go-to for clients looking for products/services in your niche.

So, if your website isn’t on the first page yet, don’t worry. This post is your definitive guide to understanding and implementing a solid manufacturing SEO strategy. Stay tuned to learn more about manufacturing SEO and how to leverage best practices. 

why is seo important for manufacturing companies?

Manufacturing SEO helps businesses like yours get to the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs). With this, you get:

expanded online reach

Seo helps businesses expand their online presence. It puts you in front of a broader audience, full of potential customers you might have never reached otherwise.  

more leads

Seo is a critical part of generating online leads. If potential customers can’t find you, they can’t choose you. A quality SEO strategy will bring in the right traffic, meaning you’ll be getting marketing and sales-ready leads.  

better credibility

Search engines like Google use factors like content quality, website speed, and site responsiveness to decide your rank. While most people don’t think about these details, they do expect Google to show them the best, most useful content first. Hence, the higher you rank on search engines, the more credible you appear to your target audience. 

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seo strategies for manufacturing companies

Understanding the benefits of manufacturing SEO is easy.

Creating and implementing a strategy that actually works?

We won’t lie- it’s a whole different ball game.

Yes, you could develop a fantastic SEO plan with enough dedication. But let’s be real: juggling an ongoing SEO campaign on top of running your core business can be quite a stretch. That’s why we recommend leaving the optimization to a manufacturing SEO consultant.

However, if you’re up for the challenge and eager to give SEO a shot, here’s how to do it.

1. conduct keyword research

The first step is to find keywords and phrases your audience is typing into search engines. For this, you need to: 

make a list of relevant search terms

Put yourself in your customers’ shoes. What could they be searching for at different buying stages? Jot down everything related to your business that might catch their attention. 

use a keyword research tool

Tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs can show you how many people search for these terms each month (the search volume). Plus, you’ll see how tough the competition is.

Pro-tip: Don’t overlook long-tail keywords. These are more specific search terms people use when they’re close to making a purchase. For example, someone might search for ‘HVAC systems’ during the initial research phase. But when they search for “energy-efficient HVAC systems for large factories,” chances are they’re much closer to buying.

2. optimize content for on-page seo

On-page SEO covers everything you can do on a website (or internally) to improve your rankings. Think of it as fine-tuning your webpage elements to appeal to both search engines and users. 

Key on-page SEO tasks include: 

  • Optimizing for Search Intent: Understand why people are searching for specific terms and ensure your content addresses their needs or questions.  
  • Title Tags: Craft clear, engaging, and keyword-rich title tags. These are the first things that catch a user’s eye in search results.  
  • URLs: Create concise, descriptive URLs. A good URL structure gives search engines a clear idea of what the page is about.  
  • Header Tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.): Use header tags to structure your content effectively. The H1 tag is typically the page title and should contain the main keyword. Subheaders (H2, H3) organize content into scannable sections, making it more user-friendly.  
  • Meta Descriptions: Well-crafted meta descriptions can boost click-through rates. Make sure they’re compelling and include key phrases.  

3. get technical with seo

Even if you optimize your content, your pages won’t rank on search if your website is technically messy.   

That’s where you’ll need technical SEO.  

Technical SEO requires you to check if your site is fast, user-friendly, and secure. Generally, you’ll need to take care of the following.  

  • Mobile optimization:Use responsive design to ensure your site functions seamlessly on multiple screens.  
  • Internal link structure: Organize your site in a hierarchical structure: homepage at the top, followed by main categories (hub pages), and then detailed pages (spokes).  
  • Page load speed: Optimize image sizes and formats. Consider using tools or plugins for faster loading.  
  • HTTPS protocol: Implement HTTPS for website security and trust.  
  • XML sitemap:Use plugins to generate an automatic sitemap. Exclude less important pages from your index and submit your sitemap to Google.  


Again, all this can sound quite complicated, especially for the uninitiated. Do not hesitate to reach out to a manufacturing SEO companyany time you need guidance. Professional SEO services can help you navigate through technical SEO complexities to ensure your website is search-engine friendly.

4. invest in your blog and other content marketing efforts

Gone are the days when blogging and content marketing seemed out of place in the manufacturing world. As of 2023, 71% of manufacturing companies view it as an essential part of their SEO strategy.

A well-curated blog can establish your brand as an industry leader and trusted resource for your audience. When you consistently publish valuable content, you keep your readers engaged, and in turn, improve your SEO.

5. create content in line with google’s e-e-a-t guidelines

Initially, one of the ways Google decided how to rank content was through E-A-T, or Expertise, Authority, and Trust. In a December 2022 update, Google added another E for the experience. This is especially relevant for content types where firsthand experience is essential, like product reviews, how-to guides, and travel pieces.

For manufacturing companies, the E-E-A-T update is a chance to have your in-house experts produce content that goes beyond general knowledge. You can offer detailed product insights, real-world applications, and step-by-step guides that showcase your practical expertise and authority in the industry.

6. scale the serps with featured snippets

This is a no-brainer, but ranking at the top of Google’s Search Engine Results Page (SERP) can significantly boost your visibility. Statistics show the #1 organic search result is ten times more likely to receive a click compared to the #10 spot.

Clinching one of the top spots on SERPs is tough. However, there’s a shortcut- featured snippets.

Featured snippets are the boxes that appear at the very top of the search results, even before the first-ranked results. But you won’t get one for every type of search query. Google selects snippets for searches it feels can be answered directly in this format.

While featured snippets have a lower click-through rate (CTR) than the top-ranking keywords, they can boost visibility for content that might not otherwise appear on the first SERP.

7. leverage high-quality link-building

Link building is another way to help your website rank higher on the results page. It involves securing links from other reputable sites to your own. Think of it as getting a vote of confidence from the leaders in your industry.  

Besides showcasing your expertise, effective link-building signals to Google that you’re a thought leader, which can positively impact your rankings. A few ways to accomplish this include:  

  • Targeting relevant websites: Focus on obtaining links from sites that are recognized authorities in your industry.  
  • Engaging in guest blogging: Offer to write articles for respected industry sites that include a link back to your site.  
  • Participating in industry forums and discussions: Actively contribute to conversations and link back to related content on your site where appropriate.  

8. furnish your site with ecommerce capabilities

B2B companies have indeed been slow to adopt eCommerce- and with good reason. You can’t really load an HVAC system to a shopping cart and hit ‘check out’.

That said, things are changing. According to a PwC survey, 66% of U.S. manufacturers agree that implementing digital marketing and sales over the next two years is a ‘high’ or ‘very high’ priority.

But how does this benefit you SEO-wise?

  • Customers often search for parts using specific details like SKU numbers or material specifications. With an eCommerce platform, you can create individual pages for each product, optimized to target these specific search terms.
  • Each product page is an opportunity to optimize for relevant keywords, which can help your website appear in more specific searches, thereby increasing site traffic.
  • An eCommerce website allows for effective internal linking between related product pages, improving your site’s SEO structure.


To create an SEO-friendly eCommerce platform for your manufacturing business, we recommend customizing product descriptions to include relevant keywords, match the searcher’s intent, and accurately describe the product’s uses.

Also, if you want to attract local business, include local details in your product descriptions. For instance, explaining why a product is particularly useful in your area can greatly enhance your visibility in local search results.

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seo challenges for manufacturers and industrial companies

seo challenges for manufacturers and industrial companies

Manufacturing SEO is no easy feat.

  • Your content needs to be technically accurate yet appealing to experts and newcomers alike.
  • You must describe your products in a way that’s both detailed and accessible.
  • Your SEO efforts must be continuous and patient to keep your manufacturing company in the lead during extended buying cycles.


So, what do you do?

Just pass the baton to an expert marketing SEO services provider- like Wildish Agency!

As a B2B marketing agency in Reno, Wildish Agency brings extensive expertise and tailored strategies to tackle these unique challenges. Let us help you stand out in your niche with specialized SEO and content marketing in Reno!

kickstart your seo campaign with wildish

kickstart your seo campaign with wildish

There you have it- our guide to a few tried-and-tested SEO strategies for manufacturing companies. Hopefully, you feel more equipped to optimize your websites and make the most of your digital presence. In case you’re struggling to make sense of it all, call the Wildish team, and we’ll be happy to answer your queries.

At Wildish Agency, we’ve helped countless B2B companies improve their SEO game without breaking a sweat. Whether you’re looking to improve visibility, increase traffic, or drive sales, we have the skills to make it happen smoothly and effectively.

Contact us today, and let’s talk about your SEO needs.
