industrial b2b win: prioritize features for your website redesign



In the modern business landscape, a website is often a company’s first and most crucial point of contact with potential clients. This is especially true in the industrial B2B sector, where a website can make or break a deal.

Industrial B2B buyers are a unique audience. They are not browsing for products or services like a typical consumer. Instead, they have specific business needs that require thorough research and evaluation before making a purchasing decision. This means that manufacturing company websites need to cater to these unique needs and use their online presence as a competitive advantage.

This is where a website redesign comes in. Manufacturing web design is constantly evolving, and a website that was cutting-edge five years ago may no longer be relevant or effective. A redesign can help manufacturing companies stay current, attract website traffic, and ultimately drive sales.

But with so many potential B2B manufacturing marketing elements to consider in a website redesign, where should you start? Here are some key features that should be prioritized for a successful redesign:

understanding the landscape

Before diving into specific features, it’s essential to understand the current landscape of industrial B2B marketing.

According to recent studies, 73% of B2B buyers are now millennials who expect a seamless online experience when researching and evaluating potential suppliers. This means that an outdated website that is not ranking well on search engines or is difficult to navigate can hinder the sales process. So, if your website is not up to par, you may be missing out on a large portion of potential customers.

transform your b2b industrial website into an seo powerhouse

key features for manufacturer web design

Here are some key features to consider when redesigning your manufacturing company website:

1. responsive design and user experience

With more than half of all web traffic coming from mobile devices, having a responsive design is crucial. A responsive design ensures that your website looks and functions correctly on all devices, whether it’s a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you will likely see a high bounce rate, low conversion rates, and poor Google search engine rankings.

Additionally, the user experience (UX) is a critical aspect of website design that often gets overlooked in the manufacturing industry. A well-designed website should be easy to navigate, visually appealing, and provide relevant information quickly and efficiently. Poor UX marketing efforts can lead to frustration and a negative perception of your brand.

2. content strategy for b2b manufacturing marketing

Content is a crucial component of any successful digital marketing strategy. However, many manufacturing companies make the mistake of writing content that is too sales-focused, which can be a turn-off for potential customers. It’s important to remember that you are not writing content to serve your own interests; you are writing for your target audience.

Some content ideas for B2B manufacturing marketing include:

  • Case studies showcasing successful projects or partnerships.
  • Industry insights and thought leadership articles.
  • Guides and tutorials on using your products/services effectively.
  • Educational content on industry trends, regulations, and best practices.


When planning your content marketing strategy, do not neglect the importance of keywords and search engine optimization (SEO). While your content should always prioritize providing value to your audience, optimizing your content for search engines can help ensure a wider reach.

3. lead generation and conversion optimization

Generating leads and converting them into paying customers is the ultimate goal of any marketing strategy. Your B2B manufacturing website should serve as a tool to capture leads and nurture them through the sales process.

To optimize lead generation, your website should have clear calls-to-action (CTAs) strategically placed throughout the site. These CTAs can be in the form of contact forms, phone numbers, or live chat options. Additionally, utilizing landing pages specific to different products or services can help capture more targeted leads.

Conversion optimization involves analyzing and improving the effectiveness of your website in converting visitors into customers. This can include A/B testing different elements on your website, such as headlines, images, and CTAs, to see which versions result in a higher conversion rate. Continuously monitoring and optimizing for conversions can lead to increased sales and revenue.

4. visual elements and manufacturer web design

 In today’s digital age, visual elements are crucial in capturing and retaining the attention of website visitors. This is especially true for B2B manufacturing websites, which often have complex products or services that need to be visually explained.

High-quality product images, videos, and interactive 3D models can provide potential customers with a more immersive and engaging experience. These visual elements can also help demonstrate the features and benefits of your products or services in a more tangible way.

5. integration of technology and tools

In addition to visual elements, the integration of technology and tools can greatly enhance a B2B manufacturing website. This can include features such as live chat for customer support, product configurators for customized orders, and online quote request forms.

Integrating these tools not only makes it easier for potential customers to interact with your business – but also creates a more efficient and streamlined process for both you and your customers.

best practices in b2b industrial marketing website redesign

When it comes to redesigning a B2B industrial marketing website, there are several best practices that can help ensure success. These include:

  • understanding your target audience and their pain points: Conduct research to understand the needs and preferences of your target market. This will help you tailor your website design and content to effectively address their pain points.
  • streamlining navigation and user experience: Make it easy for visitors to find the information they need by streamlining your website’s navigation and creating a user-friendly interface. This can include organizing content in a logical manner, utilizing search functionality, and optimizing for mobile devices.
  • incorporating calls to action (CTAs): Clear and compelling CTAs are essential for driving conversions on a B2B manufacturing website. Make sure they are strategically placed throughout the website and encourage visitors to take action, whether it’s requesting a quote or contacting your sales team.
  • providing valuable content: B2B buyers are looking for informative and educational content that can help them make informed decisions. Make sure your website provides valuable content such as product specifications, case studies, and industry insights to establish your authority in the field.
  • leveraging social proof: Testimonials, reviews, and awards can all serve as powerful social proof on a B2B industrial website. These elements can help build trust with potential buyers and showcase your company’s expertise and credibility.
  • implementing SEO strategies: To ensure your website ranks well in search engine results pages (SERPs), it’s important to optimize your website for SEO. This includes using relevant keywords, creating quality backlinks, and regularly updating your website with fresh content.

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As you can see, there are many steps that go into creating an effective B2B industrial website redesign. By following these best practices, you can attract more qualified leads and convert them into loyal customers. Remember to constantly analyze and improve your website’s performance to stay ahead of the competition in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.

At Wildish Agency, we specialize in creating custom website designs that drive results for B2B manufacturers. From compelling content to user-friendly navigation, we can help your company create a strong online presence that generates leads and boosts sales.

Contact us today to learn more about our services!
