digital marketing for manufacturers: the ultimate guide



Many manufacturers still stick to the classics when it comes to promoting their brands- trade shows, word-of-mouth, and networking events.

But here’s the twist: today’s industrial buyers are tech-savvy, well-informed, and pretty much set on dodging sales pitches. In fact, most of their decision-making is done before they even chat with sales teams. And a good look at your website is typically part of their homework.

So, if you want to attract the right buyers, you’ll need to create a solid digital presence. We’ll tell you how in this post.

Let’s begin!

building a killer digital marketing strategy

Digital marketing for manufacturing companies can be tricky, especially with how quickly things change these days. Let’s start with the basics and show you how to build a solid strategy:

setting smart goals

Before anything else, get clear on what you want to achieve with your manufacturer digital marketing efforts. We’re talking about SMART goals—those that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Suppose you want to increase website traffic or boost lead conversions. Specify the exact numbers and deadlines to make these goals concrete and trackable. For example, you might aim to improve conversions by 25% in the next six months. Setting the right goals helps you fine-tune your digital marketing strategies and scale up your campaigns effectively.

identifying your target audience

Next, identify who you’re talking to. In manufacturing, your audience might include engineers, procurement managers, or supply chain experts. Each group has different needs and pain points. Understanding these details helps tailor your messaging to hit the right notes and catch their attention.

understanding your buyer’s journey

The path your buyers take is a complex, research-heavy process. The stakes are high, and the products are often intricate and costly.

Most of your potential customers spend a lot of time investigating before they even think about making a purchase. They’ll check out your website, read reviews, and compare your offerings to your competitors. Your job is to make this journey easier with informative content and helpful resources that position your brand as the go-to expert.

upgrade your marketing tactics for manufacturing

core digital marketing channels for manufacturers

According to a survey by HubSpot, most marketers believe the field of marketing has evolved more in the past three years than in the preceding fifty. With all these changes, one big question keeps reappearing: which platform, or mix of platforms, should you be putting your money into?

To help you decide, here are a few digital marketing channels ideal for manufacturing companies:

content marketing

Your content must teach and inform your audience. Think detailed white papers on big industry challenges, case studies that show off your wins, or blog posts on your audience’s questions.

create valuable content

Get into the nitty-gritty on topics that matter to your crowd—like engineers and procurement managers. Give them the facts, insights, and answers they’re looking for.

establish thought leadership and brand expertise

Use your content as a platform to show off your industry smarts. Share unique insights, come up with clever solutions, and tackle tough topics head-on. When people see you as an industry expert, they’re more likely to trust what you’re selling.

optimize content for search engines (seo)

If you want people to find your content through a simple Google search, you’ve got to play by the manufacturing search engine optimization rules. Sprinkle in relevant keywords, craft catchy headlines, and structure your articles well. This way, when potential buyers are on the hunt for information related to your products or services, your content shows up at the top of the SERPs.

search engine marketing (sem)

SEM is all about getting your brand in front of the right eyes through paid ads, especially on big platforms. Here’s how to get the most out of SEM.

utilize paid advertising

Target keywords relevant to SEO for industries. These are the terms and phrases that your potential customers are punching into search engines. By setting up ads targeted at these keywords, you make sure your brand shows up right where and when it matters.

drive qualified leads to your website

With targeted ads, you can attract visitors who are more likely to be interested in your products, which means they’re also more likely to buy.

retarget website visitors

Not everyone who visits your site is going to make a purchase the first time around. That’s where retargeting comes in. You can use ads to follow up with these visitors, showing them relevant ads even after they leave your site.

social media marketing

Did you know that 48% of marketers publish product or brand updates on their socials multiple times a week? Social media isn’t just for memes and funny videos- it’s a B2B marketing powerhouse. You just need to know how to use it right, and our Reno marketing agency can help you.

leverage linkedin and other industry-specific platforms

LinkedIn is the gold standard for professional networking- and by extension, a perfect spot for B2B interactions. But don’t overlook other platforms that might be popular in your industry, like YouTube and Twitter. Wherever your potential customers hang out is where you should be.

share valuable content, engage with potential customers, and build relationships

Social media is all about interaction. Post content that matters to your audience- like tips, industry news, and behind-the-scenes looks at your operations. Leverage these posts as a springboard to start conversations and build genuine relationships. The more you engage, the stronger your connections will be.

showcase company culture and expertise

Let people see what makes your manufacturing company special. Share stories and photos that highlight your company culture, the people behind your products, and the expertise that sets you apart. Doing this humanizes your brand and lets potential clients feel a connection.

email marketing

Although using emails for B2B manufacturing marketing might seem old-school, it’s still one of the best ways to get personal with your potential customers. To make email marketing work effectively for you:

build an email list of qualified leads

Collect emails by getting visitors to your website to sign up. You can attract them with an offer they can’t refuse- like a free e-book, a discount code, or exclusive access to a webinar. The key is to gather contacts who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

nurture leads with targeted email campaigns

Once you’ve got their emails, the next step is to keep them interested. Set up email campaigns that cater to where they are in the buying process. For someone who’s just getting to know your brand, send informative content that educates them about your industry. For someone closer to making a purchase, focus on products, demos, or trial offers.

promote valuable content, webinars, and other marketing initiatives

Email is your direct line to your audience. Use it to push out your best content, invite them to upcoming webinars, or inform them about new products and promotions. Focus on providing value, so they look forward to your emails.

unlock digital marketing secrets for manufacturers

additional digital marketing strategies

Need more ways to fine-tune your manufacturing digital marketing game plan? We have plenty!

website optimization

Your website is your digital storefront. It’s the first impression many customers will have of your business, so you need to make it count.

make sure your website is mobile-friendly and user-friendly

Nowadays, everyone’s on their phones, meaning your website must look good and work well on mobile devices. Also, make sure it’s easy to navigate. A B2B buyer doesn’t have time to hunt through messy menus or slow pages. They need to find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.

provide clear information about your products and services

Be clear and straightforward about what you offer. Detailed product descriptions, clear pricing, and specific service details help prevent confusion and show potential customers exactly what they can get from you.

include case studies and testimonials to build trust

Show off a little! Include case studies and testimonials from past clients to demonstrate how your products or services have helped others. This type of social proof strengthens your credibility and can sway buyers who are on the fence.

video marketing

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video must be worth a million. Videos are an engaging way to connect with your audience and show off what you do best.

create product demos, explainer videos, and customer testimonials

Use video to show rather than tell. Product demos let potential customers see your product in action, explainer videos can break down complex processes or features, and customer testimonials give a human touch to your promotions, letting real people share their real experiences.

showcase your manufacturing process and capabilities

Give people a look at how things are done behind the scenes. Show off your factory floor, your workers in action, or how a product goes from a sketch to the final piece. Besides demonstrating your expertise, these videos can build trust by showing the care and detail that goes into your work.

engage viewers and improve brand awareness

Videos are more likely to be shared and remembered. Use them to grab attention and keep your audience engaged. By regularly sharing high-quality videos on platforms like YouTube, social media, or your website, you can keep viewers interested and boost your brand’s visibility in the market.

analytics and measurement

Many B2B businesses start with some great manufacturer digital marketing ideas. But it’s not enough- you also need to measure how they’re doing.

track your campaign’s performance

At some level, digital marketing is a numbers game. You need to keep an eye on how many people are visiting your site, where they’re coming from, and how many leads are turning into customers. Tracking these statistics helps you figure out which parts of your marketing strategy are running on all cylinders, and which ones might need a tune-up.

use data to optimize and measure roi

Harness the tracked data to streamline your campaigns. Also, see how much ROI you’re generating on each front. Are you making more money than you’re spending? Good data will tell you, and help you make smarter spending decisions.

boost your manufacturing marketing strategy now

get your digital campaign off the ground with wildish

It’s no secret that B2B companies have been a bit slow on the uptake when it comes to digital marketing. But as the landscape shifts and more manufacturers hop onto the digital bandwagon, now is the perfect time to craft a digital marketing strategy that drives results.

However, between managing your business and catering to clients, you probably don’t have enough time in the day to craft and run a full-scale digital marketing campaign.

That’s where Wildish can take a load off your shoulders!

We specialize in crafting customized digital marketing strategies for manufacturing companies looking to make a splash online. Our team is dedicated to creating strategies that fit your unique needs and help you stand out in the digital space.

If you need more information, do not hesitate to reach out to us today!
