industrial e-commerce: the future of manufacturing



The industrial manufacturing sector has been one of the last players to jump into the e-commerce revolution. For what feels like forever, manufacturers have stuck to the old-school way of doing things—relying on distributors to get their products out there.

Sure, that worked, but it also limited how far they could reach and how much cash they could rake in.

But times are changing! More and more manufacturers are waking up to the perks of selling online.

Going digital can save you time, cut down on costs, and seriously boost your profits, all while turning your customers into loyal fans.

Also, let’s face it: manufacturing customers are used to the ease and convenience of online shopping in their lives, and they’re starting to expect the same smooth experience when they’re buying for their businesses. 

If your manufacturing business hasn’t entered the e-commerce pool yet, now’s the perfect time to dive in. In this post, our Reno marketing agency will take a look at how e-commerce is shaking up the manufacturing world, the awesome perks it brings, and the challenges you’ll need to tackle to stay ahead of the curve.

benefits of e-commerce for manufacturers

Recent studies project that the global B2B e-commerce market will reach a staggering $20.9 trillion by 2027.

Let’s dive into how selling online can benefit your industrial company:

reaching new markets and customers

Why confine your business to just one region or country when there’s a global audience ready for your products?

E-commerce empowers you to break free from geographical limits and expand your sales reach far beyond your local market. By launching an online platform, you can instantly tap into an international client pool.

Moreover, with industrial e-commerce, you can bypass distributors and connect with the people who truly want what you offer. This direct link helps you better understand their needs and tailor your online sales strategies effectively.

Another big advantage is cutting out traditional distribution channels. Selling online lets you control your pricing and keep more of the profits. Plus, as demand grows, you can easily scale your operations.

enhanced customer engagement

At our industrial marketing agency, we believe the first rule of sales is to establish solid customer relationships. E-commerce makes this easier by providing detailed product information directly on your website. No more guessing games or waiting for answers—customers have all the information they need to make smart buying decisions. 

Being transparent builds credibility and gives customers a strong reason to choose you over competitors.

An industrial e-commerce platform also lets you offer personalized recommendations based on what customers have browsed or bought before. When you suggest the perfect product at just the right moment, you’re doing more than just closing a sale—you’re strengthening the relationship and earning their trust.

Then there’s convenience. With e-commerce, you make it simple for customers to browse, select, and purchase industrial products whenever and wherever they want. The easier and more seamless you make the customer experience, the more likely they will return for more.

improved operational efficiency

Who doesn’t want a hassle-free shopping spree? Whether it’s a quick grocery run or searching for specific industrial products, the ideal buying experience is simple: Get in, find what you need, and get out.

E-commerce for manufacturers makes this possible, not just for your customers but for your business as well.

A huge win with e-commerce is automated order processing. Instead of manually handling each order, you can implement systems that automatically take care of everything as soon as orders come in. This speeds up the entire process, reduces errors, and lets your team focus on other important tasks.

Communication with customers gets a boost, too. With e-commerce, you can set up automated emails or notifications to keep customers in the loop at every stage—from confirming their order to letting them know it’s on its way.

Finally, e-commerce platforms for manufacturers give you real-time insights into what’s selling, what’s not, and how much stock you have on hand. You can utilize this customer data goldmine to optimize your production schedules and make demand-based decisions. No more waste!

lead manufacturing’s future with e-commerce

challenges and considerations for manufacturers

Jumping into e-commerce is a big move for industrial companies, but it comes with its own set of challenges and considerations. While the rewards are clear, there are a few hurdles you’ll need to overcome to make the most of your online sales strategy.

Here’s how:

adapting to the digital sales model

First, focus on developing a user-friendly e-commerce solution for manufacturing. Your website should be intuitive, easy to navigate, and mobile-friendly.

Make sure your products are well-organized. And if you haven’t already, prioritize implementing secure online payment gateways to build trust with your customers. Remember, secure transactions are non-negotiable; customers need to feel confident that their information is safe.

Don’t skimp on product visuals and descriptions. Invest in high-quality photography that shows your products in the best light. Pair these images with clear, detailed descriptions that answer any questions a customer might have.

fulfilling online orders efficiently

Once the orders start rolling in, focus on fulfilling them quickly and efficiently. Set up reliable logistics and shipping networks to ensure timely deliveries. 

For bulky or fragile products, take extra steps to locate the right packaging and handling processes. You might need to partner with specialized carriers or invest in better warehouse technology.

Optimize your warehouse operations by streamlining your order fulfillment process. Consider using automation tools like NetSuite to speed things up and reduce errors.

standing out in the online marketplace

You don’t need unique products to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Instead, focus on how you present and deliver what you offer.

Start by emphasizing the quality, reliability, and benefits of your products. Communicate why customers should choose you over the competition, whether it’s because of your superior craftsmanship, durability, or solid track record.

Another way to set yourself apart is by delivering exceptional customer service. Go above and beyond to make sure your customers feel valued and supported throughout their buying journey. Little touches like flexible return policies, fast shipping, or personalized assistance can significantly impact how your brand is perceived.

Investing in strong SEO strategies is also important. Help potential customers find you online by using relevant keywords, optimizing your site’s performance, and maintaining high-quality content that keeps visitors engaged. 

Remember to step up your digital marketing game. Use targeted ads, engage with your industrial buyers on social media, and send out thoughtfully crafted email campaigns to connect with your ideal customers. 

If you’re not comfortable handling it all on your own, you can always bring in a seasoned marketing agency in Reno to help you out.

the future of manufacturing with e-commerce

As e-commerce continues to reshape the manufacturing landscape, the future is all about adapting and evolving. Here’s how you can get ahead of the curve and embrace the changes that are coming your way:

rise of subscription-based models

Subscription-based models provide a predictable, recurring revenue stream that can help stabilize your cash flow. Offering premium product tiers or early access to new products lets you build stronger customer loyalty and keep them coming back for more.

Also, with subscriptions, you get a clearer picture of your revenue projections before any one-off sales even happen. You can use these to forecast and strategize much more easily.

use of augmented reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is bridging the gap between the digital and physical worlds. With AR, you can let customers virtually interact with and visualize your products before they buy. Not only does this make the shopping experience more fun, but it also reduces hesitation during purchases.

Use AR to showcase your products and help customers feel more confident in their choices. You’ll be rewarded with higher conversion rates and fewer returns.

harnessing ai for smarter product recommendations and demand forecasting

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing how businesses understand and cater to their customers. 65% of customer experience leaders see AI as an indispensable tool for improving interactions and gaining a competitive edge.

AI’s predictive capabilities allow you to anticipate customer needs before they even know what they want. You can analyze customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history to suggest the most relevant products when they’re looking for them.

On the demand forecasting side, AI helps you predict future sales trends by assessing past sales data, market trends, and even external factors like economic shifts or seasonal changes. Leverage this to better manage inventory, reduce waste, and avoid stockouts or overproduction.

streamlining operations with automation and technology

It’s 2024, and it’s high time you invest in automation and robotics. These cutting-edge technologies are your ticket to speeding up processes, reducing mistakes, and boosting efficiency across the board.

For example, automated systems can handle repetitive tasks like sorting, packing, and shipping, freeing up your team.

In the warehouse, robotics can make a huge difference in how quickly and accurately you manage inventory. When robots do all the heavy lifting, you can pick and pack orders faster, with fewer errors.

Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) can zip around the warehouse, moving goods, while robotic arms can handle delicate or heavy items with precision. What’s not to love?

advance your manufacturing business with e-commerce

dominate the industrial e-commerce sector with wildish

Feeling stuck with trade shows and cold calls? We hope this post gave you the push you need to dive into the industrial e-commerce world. Don’t let the initial hurdles get you down—stick with it, and you’ll start seeing results before you know it.

Looking for more guidance on breaking into the industrial e-commerce space? Wildish is here to help!

Reach out to us today, and let’s start crafting a strategy that will take your business to the next level.
