how to leverage seo to boost visibility for industrial companies



For many manufacturers and industrial companies, search engine optimization (SEO) feels like a well-guarded secret – like the kind you’d need a special decoder ring to crack.

However, with most customers turning to search engines to find reliable industrial partners, having a strong online presence is non-negotiable. Skip the SEO, and you’re waving goodbye to a flood of opportunities to attract fresh clients, boost your brand, and drive serious business growth.

In an industry where every lead counts, you can’t afford to leave money on the table. However, SEO efforts aren’t exactly a walk in the park, especially in the complex, highly specialized industrial sector.

So, what’s an overworked industrial marketer to do?

Don’t worry; our industrial marketing agency is here to provide sound advice. Let’s talk about how you can leverage SEO for industrial companies to boost visibility and ultimately contribute to your sales pipeline.

understanding seo for industrial websites

Regardless of how much you invest in traditional advertising like radio spots or newspaper ads, nothing beats having a website that’s easy to find in search engines. SEO for industrial companies is your ticket to rank high.

Our marketing agency in Reno has broken down everything you need to know in this regard. Let’s dive in:

keyword research

Solid keyword research is at the heart of any successful manufacturing SEO strategy. You need to identify the exact terms and phrases your potential customers are typing into search engines. The goal here is to find keywords that directly relate to your products or services.

Once you’ve identified your primary keywords, it’s time to dig deeper into long-tail keywords. These are longer, more specific phrases that might not have huge search volumes but are relevant to what you offer.

For example, instead of just “industrial pumps,” you could target “high-efficiency industrial pumps for chemical plants.”

Long-tail keywords often attract more qualified leads because they’re usually used by people who are further along in the buying process and know exactly what they need.

If your business serves a particular geographic area, focus on local SEO. Target keywords that include your location, such as “custom metal fabrication in Reno” or “industrial equipment suppliers in Ontario.” 

By homing in on local SEO, you can connect with (and hopefully convert) nearby customers who are actively searching for services or products in your area.

on-page optimization

On-page SEO for industrial companies is all about making sure your website content is working hard to attract and engage the right audience.

Start by optimizing your content with targeted keywords- place them in strategic spots like your page titles, meta descriptions, and headings. 

Don’t forget the details, especially on your product pages. Include all relevant technical specifications. The more information you provide, the more confident your visitors will feel about choosing your products.

Lastly, use internal linking to connect relevant pages on your site. Link from your blog posts to products or from service pages to detailed guides.

technical seo best practices

Getting the technical side of your industrial SEO right is important for keeping both search engines and visitors happy. 

First up, make sure your website is mobile-friendly. People are browsing on all kinds of devices these days, so your site needs to look and function perfectly on everything from smartphones to desktops. If it doesn’t, you risk losing visitors right away.

Next, focus on your website’s loading speed. No one likes waiting for a slow site, and visitors will bounce if your pages take too long to appear. Compress your images, minimize code, and use browser caching to speed things up.

Last but not least, ensure you’re not cutting corners on security. Set up an SSL certificate to fortify your networks against cyber threats.

With malware attacks costing companies an average of $2.6 million, safeguarding your site is a must. Plus, that padlock icon in the browser is a trust signal that can give manufacturing sales leads the confidence to do business with you.

get found online with industrial seo

building authority and credibility

As an industrial company, simply being found online isn’t enough. You need to make it clear to your audience that you’re the top expert in your field.

Here’s how you can build that trust, according to our Reno advertising agency:

show off your industry smarts with content marketing

Content marketing for manufacturing companies is your chance to flex your industry expertise. 84% of B2B marketers also agreed that it helped build brand awareness.

Create content that shows you know your stuff, like technical blog posts, in-depth white papers, industry reports, or case studies that dive into the nitty-gritty of your sector. 

For example, if you’re into manufacturing automation, why not write a white paper on the latest robotics trends or a case study about how your solutions have boosted production for a client?

Your content should do more than just promote it should educate your audience and guide them through their decision-making process. Think about what your potential clients need to know and create content that answers their questions.

Also, consistency is key. You want to keep your website fresh and relevant, so set up a content calendar and stick to it. Regularly publishing new content helps keep your company top of mind and shows you’re a thought leader in the field.

leverage link building to your benefit

Credibility is everything in the industrial sector because clients are making significant, often high-stakes investments in specialized products or services. A strong reputation reassures clients that you meet the high standards needed for their success.

One of the best ways to build trust is by earning backlinks from high-authority websites in your industry. Reach out to respected publications, trade associations, or well-known blogs to see if they’re interested in sharing your content.

When these reputable sources link back to your site, it tells potential clients you’re a trustworthy player in the field.

Guest blogging is another great tactic: you get to sprinkle your wisdom on someone else’s site, and in return, you score a link that points right back at you. Look for partners who complement what you do- maybe a supplier or a friendly consultant- and offer to pen a piece for their blog. 

You can also dive into forums and online communities where your industry peers hang out. Be the person who jumps in with helpful tips or thoughtful answers, and when it makes sense, drop a link to relevant content on your site. Keep it cool- no sales pitches. You’re there to help, not hawk your wares.

measuring and refining your seo efforts

To really make your SEO efforts count, you need to keep an eye on how things are performing and be ready to tweak your approach as needed. 

use seo tools to track your progress

First, understand what’s working and what’s not. Utilize SEO tracking tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush to monitor website traffic, see how your keywords are ranking, and even track where your visitors are coming from. By regularly checking in on these metrics, you’ll get a clear picture of how your SEO efforts are paying off.

spot what’s hot (and what’s not)

Dig into the data to figure out which strategies are hitting the mark and which ones might need a little love. Maybe your blog posts are driving tons of traffic, but your product pages aren’t getting the attention they deserve. Or perhaps specific keywords are performing better than others. Identifying these trends lets you know where to double down and where to make adjustments.

keep optimizing

SEO for manufacturing companies isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it deal. It’s an ongoing process that requires constant tweaking. Use the insights from your tracking tools to continuously optimize your website. This could mean updating content with better keywords, improving site speed, or refining your internal linking strategy. 

The key is to stay flexible and be ready to adapt your tactics as search engine algorithms and user behaviors evolve. Feel free to consult a manufacturing SEO expert anytime you need assistance!

drive traffic to your industrial website

kickstart your seo journey with wildish

No question about it manufacturing companies need a solid, visible online presence to reel in prospects. These days, potential customers are always online, hunting for answers to their questions or solutions to their problems. As an industrial company, you can tap into this by launching a smart SEO campaign.

Ready to boost your online presence and attract more customers? Let Wildish Agency lead the way with a tailored SEO strategy that drives real results.

Contact our manufacturing SEO experts to get started today!
