Western States Hemp: A Success Story in the Hemp Industry


western states hemp


When a life-long farming family transitioned from alfalfa to hemp, they needed a marketing team that could embark on the adventure with them, a Reno design firm with cannabis marketing experience who could devise an effective, intelligent website content plan.

It started as a seed. One small seed from Bulgaria. One high-quality hemp seed that became a plant, which — in the spring of 2018 — fostered more plants, which in turn became fields of green that have prospered in the soils and sun of Nevada.


They were farmers who had the dirt, the drive and the will to make reality of their dream. More importantly, they had something they were unaware of: a brilliant story of determination and collaboration. We could see the story in their faces and hear it in their voices. Through brand identity, videos, photography and written content, we’re sharing that story with the world.

western states hemp


“Seeds of success”


We built the Western States Hemp website, making sure copy was optimized, the site ran fast both on mobile and desktop, and then helped them with high-quality creative collateral. 

By establishing brand presence across platforms, Wildish supported Western States Hemp as they carved out a name for themselves. Through creative website design, technical finesse, and beautiful assets, Western States Hemp had a brand to be proud of. 

cannabis hemp
Western States Hemp team

When America was reaching westward in the 1840s and ‘50s, emigrants cursed this stretch of salty, dune-pocked, god-forsaken soil. The Great Basin was simply a nasty bump on the road to the Golden State. It was a good place to forget. That’s not how Joseph Frey saw things.

nevada's leading hemp grower

Around Western States Hemp, hands aren’t particularly pretty. Typically, they’re leathered, cracked and hard to the touch, put through the paces of working soil under a sun that never seems to sleep. Such is ranch life. There is, however, a beautiful side to these hands: they nurture. The application of muscle and machine, combined with over a hundred seasons of experience and a steadfast focus on new horizons, have turned once-wild stretches of sand, salt and brush into fields of green crops and golden opportunities.

hemp photography

the ways of the west

For a century, crops, feed and livestock were the way. Today, it entails growing the highest-level CBD isolate products from hemp. The crops have changed but the care hasn’t waned. Western States Hemp passion for planning well and working hard is a commitment to the product. And you can feel it there handshake.




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