everything you need to know about google’s august 2023 core algorithm update



On August 22nd, Google launched its second broad core update of 2023. This update changes the way that Google’s search algorithm works and how the search engine ranks content.

Whether you’re an SEO professional or run your own business, you should be aware of this update and how it might affect your website. Because this update is so new, we haven’t seen the full extent of its impact yet – but we know there will be one. 

In this article, we’ll discuss what we know so far about Google updates in 2023 and how you can prepare for it. Let’s get into it. 

why is this google update 2023 important?

Google makes regular updates to its algorithm to provide the most helpful and accurate search results for users. As user expectations change and evolve, Google continuously implements new technology to adapt. It’s expected.

These updates are fairly frequent. Google launched its last core update in mid-March. The search engine also made smaller review updates in February and April.

Perhaps most notably, Google updates have the potential to change where your web pages rank in search results. This can impact the amount of traffic your site gets and potentially impact your sales. If you have Google My Business listings or frequently show up in the “People Also Ask” section, this update could also impact those results.

Why do you need to stay informed of Google’s core algorithm updates? So you can use them to your advantage and help your site perform better. Failing to pay attention to these Google updates won’t just keep you from getting ahead – it can hurt your brand’s digital presence.

For example, you might already have a large library of blog content on your site that has been ranking well. However, a new update might prioritize something different, causing these blogs to fall off the first page of search results for your chosen keyword and affect your site traffic. This situation is particularly common for sites that have prioritized keywords over quality content.

It’s also possible for the latest Google algorithm updates to improve your site’s ranking. For example, updates in 2021 and 2022 focused on prioritizing content from those who had first-hand experience with the subject matter. This means that sites that offered content from subject matter experts or highly detailed product reviews could have seen an increase in performance.

Either way, you need to pay attention and ensure your site performs well, even in the face of big algorithm changes.

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what we know so far about google updates 2023?

A Google core algorithm update typically takes one to two weeks to roll out. Although the update was released at the end of August, we’re not likely to see the full impact until mid-September.

This is a global update, meaning that it will impact content in all languages and from all regions around the world. It also will affect all types of content, including web content, e-commerce listings, and even video content.

Google has emphasized that this update will not focus on penalizing content or targeting specific sites. Instead, it will change the way Google’s systems assess content, with a focus on getting the highest-quality results in front of every searcher.

There have also been indications that the latest Google algorithm update will affect featured snippets, Google Discover, and potentially a variety of other features. We’re not sure yet exactly how these features will be impacted.

Featured snippets are the webpage excerpts that show up at the top of many search results. They are designed to provide users with a quick answer to their questions, and if your webpage ends up becoming a featured snippet, it can be hugely beneficial for your web traffic and your brand identity.

Google Discover is a mobile tool that feeds users content based on their interests. It’s also a helpful tool for driving traffic to your site, particularly if your content is very timely or newsworthy.

As with many of their algorithms in the past, Google plans to do periodic refreshes to this algorithm. It isn’t final yet and we may continue to see changes over the next few months – but that’s why it’s so important to remain adaptable and informed.

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what to do if your site is negatively hit by the update?

When Google launches new core updates, it’s normal for some sites to see changes in performance. If your site’s performance declines, you may have to improve your content strategy in order to recover. In most cases, it takes a few months for sites impacted by a Google core algorithm update to bounce back.

Note: A drop in search engine performance isn’t always related to a technical issue with your website. Instead of focusing on technical issues with your website, put your energy into improving your content strategy. Google has provided extensive guidance on how to make your content more helpful for readers.

In general, the best way to improve your Google ranking is by approaching your content from the reader’s point of view and creating content that is truly valuable. Original research and reporting are helpful whenever possible. Google also tends to prioritize unique analysis or perspective that stands out from what’s already online.

Additionally, your content should be well-produced. While great research and writing are key, it’s often not enough on its own for your content to rank. You’ll also need to pay attention to formatting and the overall quality of the web page.

The content should be laid out in a way that is easy to scroll through, with visuals included where appropriate. Additionally, it should not contain any spelling or grammar issues.

navigate google updates with our help

Instead of trying to navigate the complexities of Google core algorithm updates on your own, bring in a professional to take your web content to the next level and meet your SEO goals. By working with an agency like ours, you let the professionals handle your content strategy – so you can focus on providing amazing service and products for your customers.

Wildish offers comprehensive content marketing services built for your brand. Reach out today to learn more about our SEO content marketing options. If you have questions about the Google update or anything else search-engine-related, let us know! We’re happy to help.

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