landing page cro tips: the differences between b2b & b2c



Landing pages are a critical component of any digital marketing strategy. They serve as the gateway to your website and are often the first point of contact for potential customers.

As such, you want to create landing pages that are optimized to convert website visitors into leads or customers. This is also known as conversion rate optimization (CRO).

Landing page CRO means creating a landing page that not only attracts visitors – but also persuades them to take the desired action – whether it be making a purchase or filling out a form. However, the CRO strategies you take for your landing pages may differ depending on whether you operate in the B2B (business-to-business) or B2C (business-to-consumer) space.

In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between B2B and B2C landing page CRO and provide tips for optimizing your landing pages in each context. So, let’s dive in!

get to know your audience

The first step to a successful landing page optimization is understanding your target audience. The more you know about your audience, the better you can tailor your landing page to their specific needs and interests. This is true for both B2C and B2B landing pages. However, the audience for B2C and B2B transactions differs greatly.

Here’s what you should keep in mind:

1. define the purpose of your landing page

Before you start your landing page optimization, you’ll need to define its purpose. Common landing page conversion goals include:

  • Making a purchase
  • Signing up for a newsletter (or other subscription)
  • Contacting a sales representative
  • Downloading a free resource or content offer


Once you’ve defined the goal of your landing page, you can begin to tailor it to your target audience. 

2. think about the customer journey

When it comes to B2B transactions, the customer journey is often longer and more complex compared to B2C.

B2B audiences are typically making decisions that involve substantial investments, require multiple stakeholders, and demand thorough research and consideration. This means your B2B landing page message should cater to a more rational and focused audience. They will likely be looking for in-depth information, case studies, and proof of your product or service’s effectiveness.

On the other hand, B2C audiences tend to be more impulsive and emotionally driven. Consumers are often making quick decisions based on their immediate needs or desires, and they may not have the time or patience to research extensively. As such, your B2C landing page should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and focus on the benefits and value of your product or service.

3. understand what drives your target audience

Another important factor to consider is what motivates your audience.

What drives them to make a purchase or take action on your landing page? Is it a desire for convenience, cost savings, status, or something else? Knowing this will help you craft a landing page that resonates with your audience and highlights the specific benefits they are looking for. 

For B2B audiences, this might mean emphasizing the financial advantages or return on investment your product or service offers. For B2C audiences, it could be showcasing the emotional satisfaction or how your product or service can improve their daily lives.

Of course, understanding these drivers will require thorough research and analysis of your target audience. Conducting surveys, interviews, or reviewing customer data can help you gain insights into their motivations and preferences.

let us help you create high-converting landing pages

create clear calls-to-action (ctas)

Regardless of whether your landing page is B2B or B2C focused, a clear and enticing call-to-action (CTA) is essential. Your CTA should stand out and clearly communicate what action you want your audience to take – whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a service, or filling out a form.

To make your call-to-action more effective, consider the following tips:

  • Use action-oriented language that encourages immediate action, such as “Sign up now” or “Get started today.”
  • Make the CTA visually prominent with contrasting colors or bold fonts.
  • Place the CTA in a highly visible location on your landing page, such as above the fold or at the end of your content.
  • A/B test different variations of your CTA to see which one performs best with your target audience.


When crafting your call-to-action, remember to keep it concise and focused on the specific action you want your audience to take. Avoid cluttering it with too many options or distractions that may deter them from completing the desired action.

leverage social proof

Another effective landing page CRO strategy to appeal to both B2B and B2C audiences is through social proof. This refers to showcasing evidence of your product or service’s effectiveness through testimonials, case studies, and reviews from satisfied customers.

B2B audiences are often influenced by the opinions and experiences of their peers, as they are more risk-averse and require reassurance before making a purchasing decision. As such, B2B web pages can greatly benefit from incorporating social proof in the form of client testimonials or case studies. The more detail and credibility these testimonials and case studies have, the more impact they will have on potential customers.

Conversely, B2C audiences are more likely to be swayed by social proof in the form of user reviews or ratings. They often prioritize recommendations from fellow consumers over brand messaging, as they seek authentic and unbiased opinions. By including positive user reviews or ratings on your landing page, you can effectively tap into this aspect of human behavior and increase conversions.

monitor and optimize

Once your landing page is live and running, the work doesn’t stop there. In order to continuously improve your conversion rates, it’s important to regularly monitor and analyze its performance. This can be done through optimization tools like Google Analytics, which provides valuable insights into visitor behavior and conversion funnels.

Pay close attention to metrics such as bounce rates, time on page, and click-through rates. If you notice a high bounce rate, it may indicate that your landing page is not effectively capturing the interest of your website visitors. Similarly, a low click-through rate could suggest your call-to-action is not compelling enough.

By regularly monitoring these metrics and making necessary adjustments, you can optimize your landing page for better conversions.

schedule a consultation with our landing page cro experts

ready to take your landing pages to the next level?

At Wildish Agency, we specialize in creating high-converting landing pages for all types of businesses. Our team of experts can help you implement these landing page CRO strategies and more to drive conversions and boost your bottom line.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business succeed.
